How to Let Go of the Past: A Story of Mindfulness and Freedom

Is there something you haven’t let go of? Is something weighing you down? Are you holding on to something that doesn’t serve you? This post explores the power of letting go through mindfulness. Read on to discover how a simple story can inspire you to release what no longer serves you. Here’s a Story About […]

“Honey get up! You’re missing the best part of the day”. There she would stand clutching her very worn apron of faded periwinkles. I would struggle to sit up. With tousled hair through sleepy, half open eyes, I would plead with her. “Grandma, why do we have to get up so early?”“Because honey, this is […]
Dusting the Table

A basic household chore becomes an analogy for one of life’s most serious conditions When I was a young girl, my parents assigned my brother and I household chores. In exchange for that, we received 50 cents per week. My brother’s chore was to empty all the wastebaskets in the house and take out the […]
The Power of Paying Positive Attention to Employees

Company Case Studies Show That Paying Positive Attention to Employees Improves Culture and Increases Profits Today’s workplace can be a minefield of mental and psychological challenges. Businesses struggle with employee issues like absenteeism, turnover, burnout, and rising health care costs. These challenges are compounded when business leaders have a “crack the whip” mentality. The old […]